A warm welcome to you.


Our Organization

We are committed to carrying on the work of our teachers, Doña Cristina Mendoza and Maestro Solon Tello.

We are dedicated to protecting and preserving the traditions of our lineage and welcoming those who are ready to join us.

We are committed to the sustainability of our and our sister churches’ work in the United States.



We would like to warmly thank our congregants, church guests, and friends for their generous support. With your help we have purchased land. As we continue to develop and steward this gift, every contribution helps move our collective vision forward. We remain in deep gratitude for your ongoing generosity and support!

To donate via PayPal, credit card, ACH bank payment, Apple Pay, or Google pay, fill out the donation form below. To donate a larger sum, click the Angel Investor button.


Tax Deductions

As our church is a registered 501c3, you may be eligible to claim a deduction on your federal taxes. If you would like to request a tax letter for your contributions please click the button below.


Our Doctrine


We are beings of love and light.

We are fundamentally connected to Mother Nature, the Collective Conscious, and the Universal Infinite One.

We acknowledge our innate connection to the natural world and strive to treat all living beings with respect.

We acknowledge that our human embodiment is a learning experience and we commit ourselves to cultivating our higher faculties: imagination and discernment.

We are responsible for our own state of being, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic.

We recognize joy as our natural state as embodied human beings regardless of situation or circumstances.

We seek to foster a better world through the cultivation of The Fundamental Virtues: Compassion, Joy, Equanimity, Benevolence, Beauty, Patience, Responsibility, and Justice.

We honor our sacred and familial lineages by striving to be our best selves and by living with compassion, love and open hearts.

We recognize the sanctity of the human body and honor the concept of personal choice.

We acknowledge the healing power of sound and intention.

We have the utmost reverence for our most important sacred tradition, our Communion, which is fundamental to connecting with the Divine and indispensable to our spiritual practice.

We honor and respect all religions, divine masters, ancestral lineages and beliefs which are in alignment with the highest and greatest good.



I am a sovereign being.

I come from source light.

I chose to live this human life.

I commit my total self to being my best.

I recognize the common heritage of all life.

I will do my utmost to foster kindness.

I will speak my personal truth.

I recognize my mortality.

I embrace compassion.

I accept my limitations.

I honor all who teach.

I visualize positivity.


Our Ministers + Counselors

  • Mason Lucas


    Mason Lucas has served as the head minister of Church of the Infinite since its founding in 2018. Born in 1975 and raised in Norwich, CT, he attended the Norwich Free Academy and Syracuse University where he earned a BA in anthropology and a BS in physics. Mason served in the Peace Corps Nepal from 1998-2000 where he taught math and English in secondary school. He has traveled to innumerable countries to cultivate and share his knowledge of music and folklore.

    Mason began working and studying with his teacher Doña Cristina in 2005. He has served numerous communities with her blessing since 2008. He has spent time immersed in the Shipibo communities of San Francisco de Yarinacocha and the Quechua community of Apu Ausangate, where he absorbed the knowledge, songs, traditions and ancient science which he now shares through his ministry.

  • Kate Novack


    In addition to Kate’s working experience in numerous nonprofit organizations in the US and abroad, she also has a variety of extensive experience and knowledge in the performance arts, service industry, eco-tourism, fitness, and theology. She currently owns With Love by Kate, a vast line of handcrafted, organic beauty products specializing in self-care.

    Kate began communing with sacred plants in 2006 under the tutelage of Kofan elders and elders of The Native American Church. She then became a dedicated student of Mason and Cristina after joining their lineage in 2010. It was with the blessings from our lineage holder, Cristina, that Kate embraced her calling and became an ordained minister in 2017. She holds immense gratitude and humility to all those elders and teachers who have guided her along the way.

    It is with the deepest respect and devotion to the wise ones that Kate offers a compassionate and loving motherly energy to all those she ministers.

  • Justin Zachariewicz


    Justin has spent most of his life dedicated to the plant world, with more than 15 years of work in service to, and partnership with these allies. As an herbalist, he has devoted many seasons to farming, tending, harvesting, preparing, and working with the healing forces of various medicinal plants.

    Justin first started working with sacred plants while still an adolescent, and it was Grandmother that solidified this path of service in 2012. He has spent many years traveling the United States, Peru and Central America, studying with Doña Cristina, Mason Lucas, and many other teachers in this lineage; being in service, and cultivating his skills and sensitivities. Given Cristina’s blessing in 2019, and ordained as a Minister in the Church of the Infinite 2020, Justin has continued his commitment to carrying the wisdom of the plants in a beautiful way.

  • Lauren Schultz

    Lauren Schultz


    As a spiritual counselor, Lauren has decades of experience creating a safe container for individuals while guiding them through emotional, spiritual, and physical transformations. She has a true gift for holding space, dissecting blocks, and illuminating the path forward. Lauren's holistic approach to counseling includes studies in various areas, including clinical herbalism, life coaching, nutritional education, Reiki, and as a flower essence practitioner. Like the wise Grandmother, she believes that all people have infinite potential, but sometimes they just need to be reminded.

  • Kellee Morris

    Kellee Morris


    Kellee Morris is a yoga instructor, therapeutic body worker, Reiki Master, Anum Kara practitioner, and health coach with over 25 years of experience.

    She grew up in the English countryside where she communed with nature daily and learned to forage. Her passion began with her study of the flora and fauna around her childhood home. This began her search for answers to questions about the nature of life, death and a higher power.

    Her spiritual calling was formalized with an 8 year formal apprenticeship in the Amazon under the lineage of Maestro Julio Llerena Pinedo and the Universal Teachings of Maestro Hamilton Souther of Blue Morpho. She completed her formal apprenticeship in 2013. Her course of study was deeply immersed in the tradition of the paleros, those who diet the medicinal trees of the jungle in order to learn from the wisdom of the ancient ways for healing. Her work with the lineage of Solon Tello began in 2008 and has, through her ever-deepening commitment to our collective work, lead to her ordination as a minister of Church of the Infinite in 2022.

  • Megan Grace

    Megan Grace


    🌸 Originally from the Pacific Northwest, after high school, together with her partner of 30 years, Agustin,  they traveled into Central America and landed in the incredible,  lush, majestic mountains of Costa Rica. For over 25 years, they have been cultivating an intimate relationship with the waters, trees, plants and animals on their land. They hike a trail into their off-grid, hand built home and have created a permaculture model for sustainability and harmonious stewardship.  Today their land and home have evolved into a large conservation project, where hundreds of acres of cloud forest are protected and regenerating, where nutritious food is grown in abundance and where they are able to host people in a nourishing and transformational environment~ in pure connection with the elements. Over 15 years ago, Megan began a deep, healing and life changing relationship with Sacred Plant Medicine and her teacher María Cristina.  Megan has been taught graciously by her dear friend and teacher, who has been a plant medicine woman for over two decades and carries the wisdom of the Sacred Plants, Icaros and her Peruvian lineage. Megan became a minister with the COI and now offers her services in different locations and communities. Megan works in service for the betterment of humanity. She warmly invites each of us to love and laugh more! Megan and Agustin bring together their many years of plant medicine  experience and study, musical practice and love for humanity into a holistic and safe space where healing and transformation are called into being.
    ~ 🌸

Study like a young person.

Make decisions like an adult.

Give advice like an elder.

And dream like a child.


If you are feeling called to volunteer to work on the farm in Hawaii, connect with us here.


We are all here together

We are sharing the experience of life

We thank those who have gone before us

Into the great unknown

And we welcome those who will soon join us

Taking birth to be here

Let us remember to care for one another

As we would care for ourselves

Let us see our sameness

Especially when there is difference 

Let us try to cooperate

By striving toward our common goals

Let us share our own truth

Despite perceived challenges



COI Reading List

  • One River - Wade Davis

    The Immortality Key - Brian C. Muraresku

    The Mysticism of Sound and Music - Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Biocentrism (and Beyond Biocentrism) - Robert Lanza

    The Dawn of Everything (and Debt) - David Graeber

    Magicians of the Gods (and America Before) - Graham Hancock

    Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss

    Apocalypse Never - Michael Shelenberger

    Empire of the Summer Moon - S.C. Gwynne

    The Creative Act - Rick Rubin

    Hate Inc - Matt Taibi

    Moonshots - Naveen Jain

    Superabundance - Marian L. Type

    Outilive - Peter Attia

    Why We Sleep - Mathew Walker

    The River of Doubt - Candice Miller

    Near Enemies of the Truth - Christopher D. Wallis

    The Courage to be Disliked - Ichiro Kishimi

    A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century - Heather Heying

    Go Now! - Nick Zoa

    Origins of Political Order - Francis Fukuyama

    Primal Body, Primal Mind - Nora Gengaudas

    Vagina, A Cultural History - Naomi Wolf

    Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson

    Not in His Image - John Lash Lamb

  • The Enchantress of Florence - Salman Rushdie

    Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay

    Dune - Frank Herbert